Tuesday, April 2, 2013

CM 10.1 April Nightlies For Samsung Fascinate

For improvements in DSP Manager, one may also try to wait till April 3 Nightly though:

For the last several months, CM 10.1 nightlies for Samsung Fascinate (aka Samsung Galaxy S, a 3-year old phone which is a still quite capable device) were mostly incremental with 5-10 commits per nightly. Even less encouraging is the fact that Fascinate-specific commits happen only maybe one or two times per month.

Nevertheless, what we have in official CM 10.1 nightly builds is quite solid, even if Fassy didn't reach so called M snapshot level just yet. Then again, this phone with CM 10.1 appears quite unbrickable, so if anybody finds anything not working quite well on a given current nightly, a return to a previous nightly is very simple with the use of new CWR.

For nightly flashing addicts, all these concerns don't mean much though. Now, a single nightly cm-10.1-20130328-NIGHTLY-fascinatemtd.zip  for March 28 has a mammoth and enticing amount of commits:

CMFM: Editor initial highlight support + props syntax processor + others features (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)
Fix divisions by zero on boot. (android_frameworks_base)
FlingTracker can divide by zero and hang StatusBar in an infinite loop (android_frameworks_base)
Settings: remove Pie control for devices without navbar (android_packages_apps_Settings)
IME : Fix sym key regression (android_frameworks_base)
Settings: removed "Status bar visible" expanded desktop setting for devices without navbar (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Settings: disable expanded desktop on power menu disable (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Navring: Fix shortcut for uninstalled app (android_frameworks_base)
Make going to call log after call optional. (android_packages_apps_Phone)
Bringing basic pie controls to CyanogenMod. (1/2) (android_frameworks_base)
Add pie control optimizations for Phone UI. (android_frameworks_base)
Added support for multiple navigation key bars (android_frameworks_base)
Bringing basic Pie controls to CyanogenMod. (2/2) (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Fix up expanded desktop behaviour. (android_frameworks_base)
bcmdhd: Enable Ad-Hoc (IBSS) mode (android_kernel_samsung_aries)
add bash completion script for git (android_vendor_cm)
cypress-touchkey: new attempts at working around phantom keypress issue (android_kernel_samsung_aries)
Don't use fence sync for qcom legacy (android_frameworks_native)
Add empty view when no alarms are set (android_packages_apps_DeskClock)
am: Allow more hidden apps on devices with lots of RAM (android_frameworks_base)
Contributors: Add tf700t devs (android_vendor_cm)
Don't enable ADB authentication on eng builds (android_vendor_cm)
Fix the QCOM_BSP ifdef (android_system_core)
Fix the QCOM_BSP ifdef (android_hardware_libhardware)
Use jpegOptimized bootanimations (android_vendor_cm)
CM on Emulator [ARM] (android_build)
CM on Emulator [ARM] (android_development)
Torch: fix mdpi layout issues (android_packages_apps_Torch)
Wifi: Add IBSS supported method (android_frameworks_base)
Wifi: Enable Ad-Hoc (IBSS) network configuration (android_frameworks_base)
Wifi: Enable IBSS options only if IBSS is supported (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Wifi: Allow configuration of Ad-Hoc (IBSS) networks (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Add capability flag for IBSS and get_capabiliy modes (android_external_wpa_supplicant_8)
Save frequency to network config (android_external_wpa_supplicant_8)
Prevent Sym key from showing the IME picker (android_frameworks_base)
nandroid: backup: save recovery log (android_bootable_recovery)
Dynamically allocate soinfo-structs in linker (android_bionic)
Remove unneeded lines from manifest (android)
envsetup: export ANDROID_BUILD_TOP earlier (android_build)
a2dp hw: adding a2dp tuning through bdroid_buildcfg.h (android_external_bluetooth_bluedroid)
Allow disabling DroidDoc build. (android_build)
add bash completion script for repo (android_vendor_cm)
envsetup: include bash completion script from vendor/cm (android_build)
Trebuchet: Add overlayable config for tablet workspace grid size (android_packages_apps_Trebuchet)
MediaScanner: Ignore dirs with .noscanandnomtp (android_frameworks_av)
Mms: Enforce thumbnail rotation when needed (CYAN-503) (android_packages_apps_Mms)
Fix market & overflow button paddings (android_packages_apps_Trebuchet)
Lockscreen: Fix mdpi layout issues (android_frameworks_base)
RIL: Add SEMC 7x30 RIL (android_frameworks_opt_telephony)
Adding configurability of frequency cap (min/max) files' path. (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Fix FC when trying to adjust radio band via *#*#4636#*#* dialer code. (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Add keymapping for select BT headsets (android_frameworks_base)
add 8K 16K 32K 64K and 128K pagesizes in bootimage (android_system_core)
qcom-fm: audio: Add support for FM feature (android_system_core)
qcom-fm: audio: add support for FM feature (android_hardware_libhardware_legacy)
qcom-fm: audio: add support for FM feature (android_frameworks_av)
Revert "makefile changes for gcm javadocs" (android_frameworks_base)
Update Straight Talk ATT MMS proxy (android_vendor_cm)
Phone: Fix LTEToggle for t0ltecdma (android_packages_apps_Phone)
Open images with content://media/ instead of content://downloads/ URI. (android_packages_providers_DownloadProvider)
Allow enabling WebSockets from Labs Preferences (android_packages_apps_Browser)
[HTML5] Implementation of WebSockets (framework). (android_frameworks_base)
[HTML5] Implementation of WebSockets (WebKit). (android_external_webkit)
Fix resource leak: When call MediaMetadataRetriever.setDataSource or getFrameAtTime should ensure call release in finally to avoid resource leak Patch set 2: Remove unnecessary white spaces (android_frameworks_base)
Swap volume buttons when the screen is rotated (2/2) (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Swap volume buttons when the screen is rotated (1/2) (android_frameworks_base)

Long story short, I flashed a CM10.1 Fool's Day Nightly into my Fassy. It's available here. Kernel of this nightly is now 3.0.70 instead of previous 3.0.63. Will it support HW acceleration in UI and video it remains to be seen, but first impression is that everything else works just fine (Grove IP, Talkatone, Google Maps/Earth, XBMC Frodo, other streaming apps). Whatever Camera app improvements could be found in this nightly, they didn't include that magic code that could turn Fassy's ambient light sensor into a front facing camera. Not even for the April Fools Day.

Sure, your mileage may vary, as I couldn't care less for improvements in"Pie" controls or whatever gaming on my Fassy.

Pie controls are quite good way to handle your phone (any phone and especially a phablet) using your thumb. 
Enhanced by Zemanta

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